Roofing Labourer

Roofing Labourer

Have to be aggressive and willing to work long hours in extreme weather. No roofing experience required. Employer trains.
Client will install, repair and replace various types of roofing materials, client will set-up scaffolding, and be available to work all over ontario

Job #ID 7557
Pay Rate
Job Type Contact Us
Location N

North Bay
149 Main Street East
North Bay , P1B 1A9
Phone: 705-476-3234
Fax: 705-476-9302
E-mail: [email protected]

540 Valois Drive
Mattawa , P0H 1V0
Phone: 705-476-3234 ext 263
Fax: 705-744-3967
E-mail: [email protected]

Marten River
Phone: 705-476-3234
Fax: 705-476-9302
E-mail: [email protected]

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