Emplois occasionnels

Emplois occasionnels

Job Title

Job Type


Date Posted


  • Prepares source data for computer entry by compiling and sorting information; establishing entry priorities.
  • Processes customer and account source documents by reviewing data for deficiencies; resolving discrepancies by using standard procedures or returning incomplete documents to the team leader for resolution.
  • Enters customer and account data by inputting alphabetic and numeric information on keyboard or optical scanner according to screen format.
  • Maintains data entry requirements by following data program techniques and procedures.
  • Verifies entered customer and account data by reviewing, correcting, deleting, or reentering data; combining data from both systems when account information is incomplete; purging files to eliminate duplication of data.
  • Tests customer and account system changes and upgrades by inputting new data; reviewing output.
  • Secures information by completing data base backups.
  • Maintains operations by following policies and procedures; reporting needed changes.
  • Maintains customer confidence and protects operations by keeping information confidential.
  • Contributes to team effort by accomplishing related results as needed.”

Job #ID 7684
Pay Rate
Job Type Contact Us

North Bay
149 Main Street East
North Bay , P1B 1A9
Phone: 705-476-3234
Fax: 705-476-9302
E-mail: [email protected]

540 Valois Drive
Mattawa , P0H 1V0
Phone: 705-476-3234 ext 263
Fax: 705-744-3967
E-mail: [email protected]

Marten River
Phone: 705-476-3234
Fax: 705-476-9302
E-mail: [email protected]

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